Integrating MathType into Office 2010 Technical Preview

2009-05-18 18:07:38 Mingliang Dev

Microsoft Office 2010 (Previously codenamed Office 14) Technical Preview was recently leaked to the web. I think quite a few have tried the new version. Compared with its predecessor Office 2007, the new (but still in testing) one preserved the ease of usage and controlling as in 2007, but the overall performance has been significantly improved with a series of minor adjustments. As a result, the upcoming final version of Office 2010 is highly expected.

Those who often write scientific articles with Word may use the MathType to replace the original Equation Editor shipped with Office. Unfortunately, it seems that MathType provide no support for the Beta version of Office so far. So it cannot be used with Office 2010 now. However, Mingliang Dev has just discovered some manual way to integrate MathType into the new Office version.

Word 2010

After installing MathType find the following two files

<Mathtype Installation Path>\MathPage\MathPage.wll
<Mathtype Installation Path>\MathPage\MathType Commands 6 For Word.dotm

and copy them into the following directory

<Office Installation Path>\Office14\STARTUP\

as shown in the following image

Word 2010 MathType Setting

Launch Word 2010 again,and the familar MathType toolbar should show

Word 2010 MathType Toolbar

PowerPoint 2010

The way MathType stars in PowerPoint is quite different from Word.

If you have used MathType within PowerPoint 2007 and the PowerPoint 2010 was installed upon it, you should find MathType is already running in Office 2010 smmothly. If not, however, follow these steps: Click the Office Button at the top-left coner of PowerPoint, choose Options at the bottom-left side and then click Add-Inns. In the drop-down list along the bottom, choose PowerPoint Add-Ins and click Go. In the prompted box, click Add New button and select the following file:

<Mathtype Installation Path>\Office Support\MathType AddIn (PowerPoint 2007).ppam

Now MathType Toolbar should show in PowerPoint 2010:

Office 2010 MathType Toolbar

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